Auckley Parish Council

Auckley Council Members


Auckley Parish Council Newsletter:
January/February 2023

Neighbourhood Plan Update

The Auckley Neighbourhood Plan examination is now concluding with an examiner’s report likely in the next couple of weeks. Once the Parish Council receive the report, then it will identify what changes are necessary to enable the plan to progress to a referendum. The Council will make those changes and re-publish the final version of the neighbourhood plan.

A referendum will then be organised by the local authority which will enable all eligible electorates within the parish to vote on whether they think the neighbourhood plan should be made and used to help determine future planning applications within the area.

Thank you to all those residents who helped us produce the neighbourhood plan or provided comments during the consultations. Your contributions have been appreciated.
Further information about the referendum will be provided in due course.


The Parish Precept is the money collected by DMBC on behalf of the Council and used for the benefit of the residents of Auckley. Due to the increased costs associated with maintaining and caring for the Parish’s parks which are being passed on to the Council, 2023/24 will see a 7.75% increase in the Precept, equating to £29.05 for a Band D property. The Precept for 2023/24 is £49,000.

King’s Coronation Ideas

The Council would like to receive interest from residents in the organisation of a ‘Picnic in the Park’ type event to celebrate the King’s Coronation on Saturday 6th of May. The idea would be to organise a ‘Bring your Own’ type of event where residents join together on Riverside Park, bringing their own food. Please let us know your thoughts via the Clerk.

Parking Around Auckley Primary School

The Council have received complaints from local residents about the parking around the school. Drivers attending at pick up and drop off are asked to act considerately by not blocking driveways and access to roads, hindering access along the pavement etc.

A letter has been sent to the school to remind parents/carers to be considerate, as well as contact made with the police and DMBC.

PCSO Drop- in at Auckley Parish Centre

The next village PCSO drop-in will take place on Wednesday 22nd of February between 5 and 6pm in the small room of the Parish Centre. Call in to discuss issues, concerns and problems with our local PCSO.

To contact the Clerk to Auckley Parish Council (Emma Lear), please email: or call 07857 568268.

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