Auckley Parish Council

Auckley Council Members


Contact from Doncaster Council regarding Compulsory Purchase Order

Many Parishioners have received a letter from WSP, representing Doncaster Council, in respect of the Compulsory Purchase Order they intend to issue for the Doncaster Sheffield Airport site. The letter encloses a questionnaire and requests owners complete it with information relating to their property.

There has been some alarming information posted on social media sites, suggesting some properties will be compulsorily purchased with the Airport site, which is both confusing and incorrect and so the Parish Council have been asked to post some public information to reassure Parishioners.

The letters relate purely to Doncaster Sheffield Airport and Doncaster Council’s efforts to save it. It has been widely publicised that since Peel made the decision to close the Airport, the elected officials of Doncaster (Mayors/Councillors) are wanting to do everything they can to preserve it and secure the future of the site as an operational airport. They intend to achieve this by issuing a Compulsory Purchase Order to acquire the airport site. They recently issued a statement, that can be read here:
Auckley – Doncaster Sheffield Airport Statements

They have obviously appointed WSP to canvass local residents and WSP have obtained from the land registry, electoral register, etc., details of everyone who now owns land adjacent to the airport. They are sending standard questionnaires to all, to try and ensure that the information they have obtained about ownership is correct, to see if anyone has been missed, to check the likely impact of the Council’s proposed actions on the surrounding owners and perhaps assess the level of concern among local residents. They may also want to ascertain who is sufficiently interested in supporting the Council’s efforts, or otherwise.

WSP apparently have a dedicated team ready to answer any questions and assist owners to complete the questionnaire if necessary. Their details appear in the letter and we would urge any concerned resident to contact them to address any concerns or requests for further information or clarification. WSP do of course represent the Council and if any owner is still concerned about their legal position and wishes to obtain independent professional advice upon which they are entitled to rely, they should contact their own solicitor.

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