Auckley Parish Council

Auckley Council Members


DMBC Seek Views on Public Space Protection Order

We wish to obtain your views on the existing Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) powers, which is designed to help make Doncaster’s City Centre a safe and
attractive place to visit, shop, work and live.

The current PSPO provides the Council and South Yorkshire Police with designated powers to deal with and reduce anti-social behaviour. It is aimed at addressing various forms of anti-social behaviour and to support vulnerable people with complex lives who have issues such as homelessness, rough sleeping, drug and alcohol misuse, mental ill-health and begging.

The current PSPO was renewed in November 2020 and is due to expire on the 6 November 2023. As part of the three-year renewal process we have started a public consultation and this will include the views of businesses.

We feel that the City of Doncaster benefits from a strong and thriving centre, which is easily accessible for all communities.

In order to provide your views, we ask that residents complete an online survey, this can be accessed by visiting The survey should take no more than 20 minutes to complete and the deadline for submissions is Tuesday 27 June 2023.

Please see attached document: Prohibition Comparison Table that gives full details of the prohibitions within the current PSPO, the proposed changes and the reasons for those changes. There is also a map of the area covered by the existing PSPO. It is helpful to read these documents before completing the survey.

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